Top Diet Doctor Reveals...


Odd Brain Hack Melts 36 lbs


My name is Dr. Robert Posner.

You may have seen me featured on news programs such as NBC, CBS and FOX.

I’m an internal medicine physician, researcher, and author, and a former decorated U.S. Navy medical doctor. 

I’m also the founder and director of the Sero Plus Weight Loss Clinics in Burke, Virginia, a program that’s been expanded to 46 locations throughout 20 states.

And I made this short presentation to show you a common issue that’s plaguing millions of people who’ve been struggling with weight gain:

A hidden ‘brain switch’ that’s hijacking your control over food!

And I’m going to let you in on the one little secret for flipping that ‘switch’, helping you lose more weight than you ever thought possible.

As a Navy-trained medical doctor, I stumbled upon this mood-boosting, hunger-busting weight loss strategy while helping my mom… And now it’s been used by over 24,000 people to lose significant weight even when nothing else has worked for them in the past…

I’m talking about real people, just like you:

People like Angel, who lost 35lbs

Or Alexis, who lost 54lbs

Or Elliot, who lost 51lbs

So how did they go from big to small… From very unhappy and disappointed with their weight, to thrilled and proud of themselves… And from feeling frustrated, weak, hungry all the time, and defeated, to being on top of the world, positive, energetic, hopeful and THIN…

They did it after they learned about…

A hidden ‘brain switch’, that when ‘flipped’, makes weight loss fast, almost effortless, and EASIER than ever.

Because when this special brain switch is faulty, like it is for so many people, it makes it nearly impossible to succeed with any weight loss effort. Ever!

Which has led to what I call a “Fat Epidemic” that has been sweeping our country for decades, becoming even more severe after COVID, when most people put on a “COVID 15”… Or worse!

But for my patients, once they addressed their brain switch issue…

They lost an average of 35 pounds in just 12 weeks! And more importantly, they kept those pounds OFF!

So keep reading, because I’ll reveal the science-backed proven strategy that all my patients used to reprogram their brain, and allow their body to more easily, and almost effortlessly, slim down 24/7.

So don’t worry, this doesn’t require dangerous pills, starving yourself, superman willpower, exhausting exercise, or calorie counting, or even one of those weird weight loss “loopholes,” “hacks” or “tricks” you see blasted all over the Internet.

So stick with me for the next few minutes, you’ll see how you can use this same method, created by me, to help fix this common weight loss problem, so you can finally experience success in losing your stubborn fat just by following a simple, effortless 2-minute daily routine for lasting transformation, FREE from willpower struggles and starvation diets

That’s right, say good-bye to STARVATION and never, ever diet again.

And I’ll also reveal the 3 clinical studies from the University of Rome, that uncovered this glitch that’s hijacking your control over food, and how an elusive brain chemical secret has literally been buried by diet industry big wigs.

Because, as a doctor, it’s my responsibility to tell you that you’re a victim of a multi-billion dollar industry, that’s been bombarding you with fad diets that force you to count every calorie you eat.

A multi-billion dollar industry that only wants to keep you chained to their Dieting Traps, filled with false narrative that places blame on YOU when they don't work!

And that’s just a BIG FAT LIE!

It's time to stop the lying and the madness!

Medical Director of SeroLean
Board-Certified Physician, Author & Weight-Loss Expert

Now, let me properly introduce myself...

I’m Dr. Robert Posner. I’m a board-certified internal medicine physician, and a former decorated U.S. Navy medical doctor.

For the past 22 years I've been one of the industry’s leading medical weight loss physicians, and the founder and medical director of one of the country’s top weight control programs, where I’ve helped over 24,000 people regain their lives and literally lose tons of body fat, and create lean, healthy bodies.

- Dr. Robert Posner

That’s over 24,000 people who came to me for weight loss help… and got it… without invasive surgery, starvation diets or complicated meal plans.

Actually, they did it the easy way...

With my patented "shortcut" that you're about to learn today!

A "shortcut" I’m confident can change your life completely, so I encourage you to keep reading.

My weight loss solution has even been featured on national and local TV and radio, where my patients have transformed their bodies by losing an average of 35 pounds in just 12 weeks or less.

I’ve had countless men and women come to my office in tears, completely overwhelmed by hopelessness… At their wit’s end…

Because they HAVE tried eating less, they HAVE tried exercising more, they HAVE tried 100 different supplements, cleanses and packaged weight loss meals, and they HAVE used self-control… All with little or no results.

And the very first thing I tell them is this:

It’s NOT YOUR FAULT That You can’t lose weight!

And I can prove it to you by having you answer a few simple questions:

Do you crave carbs and sugary snacks?
Do you turn to high-calorie comfort foods and snacks when you’re stressed or anxious?
Do you often have little to no energy to enjoy the activities you love?
Do you ever feel moody, sad or irritable?

If you answered “yes” to at least one of these questions, then…

I have good news for you!

Those issues can be an indicator that the brain needs a boost because there could be something that occasionally hijacks your mood and your control over food… causing uncontrollable overeating … especially cravings for sugar and carbs.

And that elusive brain chemical, that sinister "brain glitch", is the hidden saboteur in your fight against stubborn excess weight, plaguing not just you, but also tens of million others across the nation.

And by simply addressing the need for this boost, or that glitch…

You can lose up to 35 pounds in 12 weeks or less!

And more important, you can keep those pounds OFF!

Those issues can be an indicator that the brain needs a boost because there could be something that occasionally hijacks your mood and your control over food… causing uncontrollable overeating … especially cravings for sugar and carbs.

No matter if you’re 25 years old and struggling with stress-induced weight gain, or a stay-at-home mother of three trying to lose those post-pregnancy pounds… or even if you’ve been told you have a “fat gene” that runs in your family that you can’t escape… or you’re a 40-year old father trying to sculpt a sexier “dad bod”, or a 74-year old who wants to look and feel healthier, while still being able to play hide and seek with the grandkids.

You can FINALLY shed all those dreaded pounds and be healthier and happier...

You can reignite the passion in your love life... Embrace a healthier, happier you and experience love's purest form... You'll have your vibrant life back, filled with energy and thrilling adventures. And you'll embrace success as you open doors to new opportunities.

And you'll unleash your potential and inspire others on the path to health, happiness, and fulfillment.

You’re simply going to SHINE!

And you can begin your transforming journey RIGHT NOW!

Because I’m about to give you access to my proprietary formula, and more, that has helped over 24,000 people across the U.S. lose all their excess weight, and keep it off… Without paying obscene prices for restrictive diet programs that don’t work, painful injections, or buying pre-packaged, low-calorie foods or shakes that leave you starving all the time.

In fact, you can lose weight while feeling satisfied, as though you have a full belly of food…

So you won’t wake up in the morning, starving and feeling the need to eat everything in sight.

And you’ll never feel like an energy-depleted zombie in the afternoon.

You can also say good-bye to your struggle with late night carb or sugar cravings that make you raid the pantry.

And you’ll never have to rely on jittery supplements, national weight loss chains, pre-packaged foods, online programs or yo-yo diets all dressed up in different packages...

And I'll show you the scientific proof and research studies from prestigious European universities such as the Sapienza University in Rome, Italy, that prove the science behind my cutting-edge formula, where the test subjects found eating less was EASY, even for “Carb Addicts.”

This research is so compelling that even the weight loss moguls and Big Pharma don’t want this going public, as its findings are so revolutionary that it would massively cut into their profits. For them it doesn't matter that this natural formula has helped tens of thousands of people lose significant weight (and keep it off) in record time ...

Because, as I said, for them it’s all about MONEY. THEIR money!

So, I urge you to keep reading until the very end, while this page is still up, so you too can finally start losing your stubborn body fat faster and easier, without the agony and stress of restricted diet plans.

This incredible formula can work for everyone. Men & women of all ages!

Just like Robin who was in bad shape when she showed up at my clinic… She had spent a fortune on Weight Watchers before she found me, and had almost nothing to show for it except a depleted bank account.

Once she started with me, she lost 27 pounds, and has been maintaining it ever since.

And it came as no surprise either when Susan showed up for an appointment. She was an emotional eater who was stressed about the extra fat she added year after year, who was able to shed it all, and is now happy as can be.

This is what I want for YOU!

Yes, I want you to be just like Robin and Susan, and thousands of others. I want you to be happy. I want you to be healthy. I want you to be the thin, good-looking person you’ve always dreamt of.

And through all my research and consulting with my colleagues and professors, things pointed to one single culprit:


What I found specifically was an extremely important and naturally-occurring neurochemical in the brain that enhances the way neurons “talk to each other”…

A “master control chemical” called SEROTONIN

Which I found plays a crucial role in your mood, sleep quality, concentration, energy levels... And yes, as you’ll see in a minute… impressive weight loss.

You see, serotonin is often referred to as the “feel good” chemical.

So I dove into research 14 hours a day, seven days a week, finding, reading, and translating international bio chemistry journals and research papers. Literally anything I could get my hands on about serotonin, and what could help the body produce it naturally.

And, a few of the European journals I read mentioned a compound that caught my eye:

The Griffonia Simplicifolia plant

A West African plant that’s been used for centuries by tribal healers to help ease sadness, pain, anxiety and sleep issues. And this particular plant is the best-known natural source for a key control chemical in our bodies, called Serotonin.

The studies also listed other vitamins and plant compounds that can improve mood, and deal with pain and anxiety issues, all focusing on the same compound, Serotonin.

That’s right! Our body naturally produces Serotonin from the foods we eat. But sometimes, there’s just not enough of it to go around. And that’s when low levels of serotonin cause people to suffer the issues I mentioned earlier... And pack on extra weight.

So in order to boost serotonin levels in your body, you need a natural source like the Griffonia plant extract.

And that piece of information was exactly what I was looking for!

And even though I was stunned by what I had discovered, it also got me thinking... Was there also a direct link between serotonin and weight loss – which so many of my patients struggled with? Could it really be that simple?

Well, I had a great way to test my new weight loss theory!

You see, my brother, Mark had been battling weight issues for 40 years! Plus, he had diabetes, requiring several meds, and already had cardiac angioplasty as well.

He really NEEDED to lose his extra weight!

So I asked him if he’d be willing to give my new serotonin blend a try, and he agreed.

So he incorporated it into his daily diet, and when I saw him the next month, I couldn’t believe it!

He was happier than I had seen him in years. Why? Because he had lost 15 pounds!

But I didn’t want to get too excited just yet... So I asked him to stay on the serotonin formula for another month. And when he came to see me… He was another 12 pounds lighter.

In fact, he went on to lose a total of 80 pounds…

And it helped him support and maintain healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Now, I thought I knew why this happened for him, but I was determined to actually prove it with hard science…

And what I discovered thrilled me...

You see, I found 3 separate human clinical studies conducted at the University of Rome’s Internal Medicine Department, under the direction of 2 renowned researchers, Carlo Cangiano and Fabrizio Ceci.

In their study, they supplemented women’s diets with a specific Serotonin plant extract, and that alone, caused them to eat between 1,000 to 2,000 fewer calories a day with no struggle. And lost significant weight over a short period of time.

They also found that if a “fat gene” runs in your family, evidence suggests that a genetic tendency toward obesity is linked to… You guessed it! Low serotonin levels.

Boosting Serotonin with a supplement  Slashed carb cravings by more than 50% for anyone! 

Even for people with “fat genes.”

Because when it comes to weight loss, Serotonin has a very important job: it tells the brain that you’ve had enough food -- called the satiety mechanism.

You see, without high serotonin levels, your brain thinks its needs are not being met, and sends a powerful “red alert” neurochemical signal to your “appetite control center”, telling your body to “start eating fast” and “stock up on carbohydrates.”

Sound familiar?

With HIGH serotonin levels, eating just a little satisfies your stomach &your brain

…making you feel full faster, so you eat less… and slim down.

The bottom line is: Low serotonin levels lead to carbohydrate cravings, and high carbohydrate intake leads to weight gain.

Plus, what most people don't know is that when their serotonin levels are deficient, they’ll also struggle with lack of focus, poor sleep, stress eating, low energy, sadness (which also lead to even more eating)… and, ultimately, more fat accumulation.

It’s a vicious cycle, and one of the most frustrating reasons for excessive weight gain.

And the more I read, I realized this wasn’t new. The initial study was from 1989, and some were even older. But instead of using it to aim at this common cause of weight gain, Drug companies ignored this information, and likely tried to cover up the research to serve their own interests and keep it from ever getting out.

So I knew then and there, that what I had created was the weight loss ANSWER for millions of people in our country

My blend of amazing natural ingredients that I created to help my brother Mark, was also the Perfect Weight Control solution for flooding the brain with feel good serotonin, and helping to halt the need to eat all the time.

I knew this could be a HUGE help for my overweight patients.

So once and for all, no one would have to rely on willpower to look their best. A serotonin boost is all you need to help stay in control! And my formula was packed with compounds that can get the job done.

Along with Griffonia Simplicifolia, my original formula, the same formula that helped my Mom and Brother lose significant weight, also contained the following serotonin and 5HTP-boosting compounds:

Stinging Nettle Leaf, a source of raw serotonin

This herb that actually contains serotonin within its prickly spines. And also protects and supports your adrenal glands.

This is very important, because these glands produce hormones that help regulate your metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential functions that can be tied to weight gain.

So it helps you slim down in at least 3 different ways.

Vitamin B-6 improves your mood and converts 5-HTP

It plays an important role in mood regulation, and is a main co-factor necessary for converting 5-HTP into serotonin. Giving you the boost you need to feel full fast and eat less.

Next came L-Tryptophan to boost serotonin

Which is another essential amino acid that your body converts into serotonin to help improve your mood, cognition and behavior.

I added Ashwagandha to help curb cravings

Which helps enhance sleep quality and reduce cortisol levels that are responsible for your cravings and hunger.

Then, I added Saffron Extract

A rare spice known to reduce cravings, control compulsive eating, and also help increase levels of serotonin.

After that I added White Kidney Bean Extract

A powerful inhibitor that stops the absorption of carbs, starch and fats, as well as reducing hunger and suppresses appetite.

And finally, I added Green Tea Extract

A powerful metabolism booster that also helps with mood enhancement, relaxation, and weight loss by enhancing your body’s ability to burn calories through thermogenesis.

As you can see, I covered every base to set you and anyone up for weight loss success with a huge flood of natural serotonin. Which is why it works so well.

Once I felt it was perfect, and that I had something very special…

I went through the steps to get my new weight loss formula patented and...

I also opened up my own clinic in Virginia, where I founded the Sero-Plus Weight Control Program, in order to help as many people as I could … People who had walked in my mom’s and brother’s difficult shoes.

That was over two decades ago ...

Since then, I’ve successfully helped over 24,000 people lose an average of 35 pounds in just 12 weeks, (with some even losing 100 pounds or more) using this exact serotonin mix.

And I know that when you get this potent combination of plant extracts and herbs that naturally boosts your serotonin levels, you can rejoice and feel reborn in your new body too.

Serotonin is nature's most powerful appetite suppressant!

And those serotonin-boosting compounds can flip the switch in your brain and help reprogram it to NOT crave food. So you can actually feel it curb your appetite, decrease your food cravings, and help you feel satisfied faster, which means you’ll be eating less.

Which will help you reduce fat cells around the clock, even when you’re out with friends, or sitting on the couch watching your favorite TV shows. And even when you’re fast asleep.

That means no more eating like a rabbit, running out of breath at the gym every day, or thinking about expensive, risky surgery.

Like my other patients, you can lose multiple inches off your waistline, melt that stubborn fat from your face, arms, stomach, legs, hips and bottom and finally enjoy the body you DESERVE, without waiting years to see results …

All without going through that irritating cycle of just losing 5 pounds... only to gain 10 back a month later!

You can achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of without restrictive diets, calorie counting or intense workouts

A healthy and sexy body that you won’t have to hide anymore with baggy clothes. A body that will look amazing and fit in all the clothes you always wanted to wear but couldn’t before.

And compliments galore!

This is not just hype: This will be you!

It was like the universe, and all the stars aligned to guide me through my research for a solution to help my brother, Mark… and now you and thousands of others.

I knew I needed to use this blessing to help as many people as possible to regain their health and happiness by losing their excess weight, and even rebuild their lives.

Just like I helped Karl lose 40lbs and keep it off for over 10 years.

He loved his reduced cravings for bad food and his new energy levels. He has also recommended my program and my Serotonin product to his friends and family, who have also had the same slimming experience.

Or Keri, who lost 32 pounds and is happier than ever.

And now, since you’re here, I want to help you too switch off your cravings, no matter how severe they are. I want to help you break free from your HEAVY shackles.

Remember, your struggle with weight is not about willpower or lack of discipline. Carb cravings, stress eating and anxiety are often symptoms of a serotonin imbalance.

And when you address this real root cause, you can lose weight too.

The way I see it, you have two options:

You can either take the list of ingredients I told you about before, do a bit of research, and buy and mix them yourself. But, if you do this, please be careful where you buy them from and in what quantities…

Remember, I’m a board-certified physician, with over 30 years of clinical experience. Even I had to do a lot of research to learn about those ingredients, and how they work, and then source only the best, most potent and organic ones.


I can send you the same proven formula in a bottle, just like I give to my patients at the clinic

Which is great news!

Because up until now, the only way you could get this this fat-burning formula was to schedule a consultation here at my clinic.

And because it’s so powerful and proven, with unreal results, it’s picked up attention in the media, with people flooding my clinic, and then being placed on a waiting list over 7 months long.

But with so many people in need, I had to find a better way to help more people regain their health, and their lives, and free themselves from the shackles the excess weight has put them in.

So I re-engineered my all-natural supplement using the same, high-quality natural ingredients, and bundled them up in easy-to-use capsules. Which means you’ll get the same formula that has now helped over 24,000 people win the weight loss battle, while keeping it off.

This formula comes with guarantees backed by scientific research, so it can finally do what no other weight loss product has been able to do before.

So you can  Finally quit  the irritating, frustrating, and even “depressing” yo-yo diets you’ve been sold on for so many years!

Plus, along with the significant weight loss you’ll see, it can also help spare you from high blood pressure, high blood sugar, risk of diabetes, heart attacks and strokes... And even help support a healthy inflammatory response, maintain normal cholesterol levels, reduce occasional stress and anxiety, ease occasional aches and soothe joints, improve sleep, make your skin and hair healthy, boost your brain function and improve your overall health, well-being and quality of life.

I know that’s a lot of major health benefits to go along with how great you’ll look, but you deserve this easy way to slim down using real science! You deserve the body you’ve always dreamed of, to wear the clothes you always wanted to wear, and to look amazing!

You deserve the dream figure you’ve wanted for SOOO long, and to not be ashamed when looking at yourself in the mirror, and love the person looking back at you.

And this formula can do that for you!

Your brain won’t be looking for soothing carbs anymore.

No more dangerous yo-yo diets,
No more struggle with willpower,
No more difficult cravings,
No more feeling deprived when eating a boring salad when out with friends,
No more worrying about what the scale will show,
No more worrying about your health!

And best of all, that feeling you get when you almost uncontrollably crave a doughnut, fries, a croissant, cake, French bread loaded with butter, pasta or whatever your “weakness food” is… Go ahead and eat some, knowing you won’t feel like eating too much of it anymore.

Just a small amount can satisfy you, because with my formula, you can naturally boost your serotonin levels. So after eating just a small or moderate amount, you can feel full.

These all-natural ingredients work better than anything the weight industry moguls could ever provide.

So, in order to get this miracle to everyone who suffers with extra weight and everything else that comes with it, I knew I needed a partner to formulate this product and help me manufacture and package it.

So I searched high and low for a company I could trust, and I found a company that always does their research and provides supplements with only the most potent ingredients, shipped from all over the world from secure and trusted sources, who can formulate and package in a FDA-registered, GMP-quality facility, right here in the USA.

So once I found the right partner, we got to work making my new product I call…

And now that SeroLean is easily available to you, in just one week from now, you could be down 2-3 pounds or more, and you can see 8-12 pounds melt off in the first month alone… And be nearing 35 pounds off by your 3rd month!


The SeroLean formula works when you’re awake and firing on all cylinders, and when your metabolic rate is at its highest, using the nutrients you consume as energy.

You take SeroLean every morning to target fat burning, increase energy output and rev up your metabolism during your most active hours, while boosting serotonin to help keep hunger and emotional overeating at bay all day long.

If you use SeroLean correctly, and follow the simple one-minute daily routine, it can literally change your life and give you the sexy body you know is in there, plus, you can be sure the results can last long term.

So far, thousands of people have used this formula at home, and I have yet to hear a single person complain about their results. I'm so thrilled that so many people got a chance to live a better, healthier, thinner life thanks to this amazing formula.

Here’s what a few of my patients had to say:

“I’ve lost 70 pounds with the program. My doctor stopped all my medications.”

“It is the best money I ever spent. I'll tell you that. I’ve lost 70 pounds.”

The serotonin products really help curb the craving for carbs, which was one of my problems. And they give you the positive support you need. It helped me lose 115 pounds.”

And the truth is, I have file cabinets in my office packed with thousands of positive testimonials like this.

Now, it’s time for you to choose

And maybe you're wondering about the price of this product, and I could see why. Because it could cost a lot considering how well it works.

After all, 24,000 people used it successfully, giving it thousands of 5-star rating… As it made a huge difference for them and their lives.

That’s why I initially priced SeroLean at $197 per bottle. And even at that price, we quickly sold out.

But, to be honest, I did not do this for the money. I’ve done pretty well with my private practice in Virginia, and with the sales of my book. So money is not a focus for me at this time in my life.

At my core, I set out to be a healer when I went to medical school. I honestly wanted to make a difference in the lives of people. That’s why I opened my clinic. And why at first I only sold my formula at my clinic.

But, since I realized how many more people I could help, and since I began selling my formula to others who need it, I decided to keep the price very low. So you won’t pay the original price of $197, or the $1,200 it would cost to come see me at the clinic and start on my program.

Instead, right now, you have the opportunity to get my doctor-formulated, science-backed SeroLean formula that helps boost serotonin production, and reduces carb cravings at a cellular level, to help you lose up 35 pounds in just weeks…

Not even for the current price of $147…

That’s right! As long as this presentation is up, I'll cut the price for you even more to just $59 for one SeroLean bottle today.

That's only $1.97 per day for a new life! And less than $6 per pound lost!

SAVE $88

1 Month Supply


Today Only $147 $59

Save $88 Now!


6 Month Supply



Today Only $980 $234

Save $746 Now!

+ 2 FREE SeroLeanPM Bottles


SAVE $343

3 Month Supply



Today Only $490 $147

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+ 1 FREE SeroLeanPM Bottle


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Best Value


Today Only $980 $234

Save $746 Now!

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Today Only $490 $147

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SAVE $88


Today Only $147 $59

Save $88 Now!

Just take two capsules in the morning, for at least 30 days. And week after week, you can see the numbers on your scale get smaller!

Now, it's very important that you take this formula for at least 30 days, to give the Griffonia extract, and the other supporting ingredients, time to go to work.

My experience (from the 24,000 people that have already finished the program successfully) has taught me that the first month usually sees the most results. But I always recommend at least 3 months or more to get the best results. Because…

The longer you take SeroLean… The more excess weight you can lose

Ever since I launched SeroLean, many of my patients have shared it with their friends and family members… People who didn’t want to wait 7 months or more for a consultation, or just couldn’t afford to come to my clinic. And I realized, this put a tremendous strain on our inventory, causing us to sell out each new shipment within only days of receiving it.

Plus, because I only allow the best ingredients and extracts in our manufacturing process, we only make SeroLean in small batches, which very often takes as long as 3 months to deliver. Which means, when we run out of inventory, you may have to wait at least 3 months to get your hands on SeroLean.

I apologize for this. But I have to be very strict when it comes to my practice, and the quality of my products, even if it does cause delays sometimes.

However, as long as you’re on this page…

Our system automatically places a hold on our inventory for you

So as long as you don’t leave this page, we’ve got some SeroLean set aside just for you. However, if you do leave, we can’t guarantee your supply when you come back.

This is why I recommend getting at least 3 bottles of SeroLean at a time, and 6 bottles if you want to be completely safe…

Plus, if you take advantage of our absolute best deal, the Doctor Recommended Six-Month Supply, not only will we give you a $648 discount off the retail price, we'll even include your shipping and handling for free. And on top of that, I will also include a very special free bonus gift worth $98.

Here's what I'm talking about:

While re-engineering his SeroLean formula, Dr. Posner also developed a breakthrough formula called SeroLean PM. This formulation was designed for when you’re sleeping and your metabolism slows down and focuses on breathing, digesting, blood circulation and cellular reproduction.

You take SeroLean PM before bed to help promote weight loss by focusing on evening appetite suppression and reduced nighttime sugar cravings and bingeing. This calming formula helps you wind down and get deep, uninterrupted sleep, while supporting continued fat burning and metabolism all night long, so you’ll wake up energized and refreshed, ready to fuel the day’s metabolic fire.

And if you only get the one bottle starter pack, we can't guarantee that when you come back, we'll have the same deal… Or even if we have stock at all. So join the 87% of savvy customers who are seizing this opportunity to dissolve fat, save money, and ensure long lasting results for themselves and their loved ones with our Doctor Recommended Six-Month Supply discounted package. Plus remember, all 6-month packages come with a FREE bottle of SeroLean PM. This is a customer favorite and the only time you’ll ever see this $98 two-bottle bonus offered for FREE.

So, make sure you stock up and don't interrupt your weight-melting journey because you run out...

I urge you to take advantage of this amazing deal so you can be sure you've taken all the right steps towards a new life.

Losing weight for less than $6 per pound is unheard of…

This is the most amazing deal, on an industry-leading product, you’ll ever see or hear about.

SAVE $88

1 Month Supply


Today Only $147 $59

Save $88 Now!


6 Month Supply



Today Only $980 $234

Save $746 Now!

+ 2 FREE SeroLeanPM Bottles


SAVE $343

3 Month Supply



Today Only $490 $147

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+ 1 FREE SeroLeanPM Bottle


6 Month Supply


Best Value


Today Only $980 $234

Save $746 Now!

+ 2 FREE SeroLeanPM Bottles


3 Month Supply


SAVE $343


Today Only $490 $147

Save $343 Now!

+ 1 FREE SeroLeanPM Bottle

1 Month Supply

SAVE $88


Today Only $147 $59

Save $88 Now!


We have thousands of happy customers finally enjoying a happier, healthier life with the body they’ve always wanted. We’re certain you’ll be thrilled with your results too. But just in case your not 100% satisfied with our system over the next 60 days, simply return the empty bottles for a full and hassle-free refund. No hard feelings whatsoever! We’re easy to reach. Just call 888-789-5699 or send an email to [email protected]

And right now, I hope to make it impossible for you to say no, by telling you that SeroLean will work … or you pay nothing for it.

That’s right, if SeroLean doesn't do everything I say it does, and more, in 60 days from now, just send me an email, and I'll give you your MONEY back!

This means you're not buying it. You're only trying it. You can't do that with Weight Watchers… or Keto supplements… or whatever else you’ve tried in the past. That’s money already spent… And you won't get this guarantee for any miracle pill or risky surgery out there.

And, to sweeten the deal even further, if you place your order RIGHT NOW, on this secure page…

You Get FREE access to Four amazing bonuses that would otherwise cost a lot of money

You’ll get something that I’m sure no other fad weight loss program, supplement, or yoyo diet out there would give you… Something that usually costs $800 here at the clinic as part of my program:

My SERO For Life Plan 

A $97/month value.

Yours free. You’ll get unlimited access to my SERO For Life member’s portal, providing you with ongoing guidance on the serotonin lifestyle, my daily blogs, as well as strategies to jumpstart your progress.

Personal Online Consultation 

A $90/hour value.

Yours free. We’ll connect you with one of our trained weight loss tele-coaches for personalized guidance on the plan.

My SERO For Life Handbook 

A $30 value.

Yours free. You’ll learn the secrets to strategically eating all your favorite foods so you never feel deprived or restricted again.

The Serotonin Solution: To Never Dieting 

 A $20 value.

Yours free. This is my best-selling book that reveals why being overweight is not your fault, and how to identify and conquer the biological condition known as serotonin imbalance.

Why would I give you all this extra help?

Because it’s not just about giving you the SeroLean formula. It’s also about giving you expert support, advice and accountability on your journey to help you slim down, so you can ask any questions related to SeroLean, get the updates, and help from an actual person who cares about your progress.

I promise, that having this extra help will supercharge your results…

And help you get you the body you’ve always dreamed of, even faster.

So make sure you get your SeroLean package in time, so you can also benefit from these amazing, FREE bonuses.

But again, first and foremost, your decision now is about shutting off your carb cravings, losing weight and you looking and feeling your absolute best.

So don't hesitate!

You're not risking anything!

And you can get the body you’ve always wanted!

Enjoy seeing your problem areas slim down… your face, arms, stomach, waist, bottom and thighs.

And the only risk here is doing nothing…

So why wait?…

Losing weight is good no matter when it happens, but sooner is always better.

So don’t walk away. This is about your health, your happiness, and your life.

Select your package below and fill out that form. It's that easy! You're just two clicks away from having your dream body, losing 35 pounds or more in a matter of weeks, and living a better, happier, and healthier life.

Here’s what happens after you select The Right package For You:

Right after you click the buy now button, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page, that looks like this, that has the same 256-bit encrypted technology that Apple, Google, and Microsoft all use to protect their sensitive data…

After you fill out your information and credit card info, just hit the “complete my order” button, and once you’ve done that, two things will happen:

First, your order goes straight to our warehouse, and we’ll ship your bottles that same day. And second, you’ll get instant access to the digital bonuses and the members area, for another surprise I’ve prepared for you that you can only see once you go there.

But I promise you’ll like it!


Secure your package while stock lasts!

If you are ready to slim down, nothing should hold you back. Because right now, as I see it, you have two options:

You can keep doing what you’re doing and keep all your excess fat that makes you unhappy, or you can act now, get SeroLean, and start effortlessly losing weight, targeting stubborn body fat at its core and ensure it NEVER comes back, finally taking complete control over the way you look and your health… Forever.

SAVE $88

1 Month Supply


Today Only $147 $59

Save $88 Now!


6 Month Supply



Today Only $980 $234

Save $746 Now!

+ 2 FREE SeroLeanPM Bottles


SAVE $343

3 Month Supply



Today Only $490 $147

Save $343 Now!

+ 1 FREE SeroLeanPM Bottle

The price should NOT hold you back. Because you can get all your money back with my 60 days money-back guarantee. You literally have nothing to lose but extra pounds if you trust me.

Just imagine how you’ll feel waking up each morning and feeling GREAT when you look in the mirror…

Picture the envious looks your friends will give you as you unleash your toned, trim, SEXY body when you go out…

And think about how it would feel having more energy … more mobility … and more PASSION for life.

The choice is Yours

But I really don't want you to wake up in a month, six months or a year from now, mad at yourself because you’re still overweight, and you decided to pass on this amazing offer and not give this incredible formula a try…

So, I urge you to make the right decision and choose SeroLean now! Do it for you!

Choose this amazing natural formula that will make you proud to look at yourself in the mirror and love the person looking back at you, improving not only your confidence and mental and emotional health and the way you look, but almost every other aspect of your life.

This is one decision you will NEVER regret!

When the scale starts rolling backwards, turning your body into a fat burning machine and getting the dream figure you’ve wanted for SOOO long, and getting back the confidence to wear those skinny jeans from the back of your closet, I want you to call me just like so many others have.

No more triple XL clothes.
No more feeling embarrassed to wear a bikini at the beach.
No more guilt.
No more fear.
No more frustration.
And no more feeling like people are judging you.

You deserve it! This is the right thing to do.

And remember, you’re getting my powerful SeroLean serotonin-boosting formula, along with your amazing free bonuses, all covered by my ironclad 60-day money back guarantee. So you risk nothing!

Click on the shiny “Order Now” button below, and get your body back NOW!

Frequently Asked Questions

Still not 100% sure?

Sometimes, the only reason why people haven't placed their order yet is that they might still have some questions.

So please, let me answer some of the common questions I get asked …

How does SeroLean actually work?

To explain quickly, SeroLean is a potent formula that contains a specific blend of powerful natural ingredients, that have been clinically shown to help your body naturally produce much needed serotonin, which – when lacking – can be responsible for runaway hunger, emotional overeating, carb cravings, mood, stress and sadness.

Here’s the serotonin process in detail:

Serotonin signals the brain when it’s had enough food. This is called the “full belly mechanism.” Without serotonin, the brain senses its food needs are not being met, and goes into a “red alert” sending out powerful signals to your “appetite control center” telling your body to “start eating fast” and “stock up on carbohydrates.”.

Low serotonin levels can lead to carbohydrate cravings, and high carbohydrate intake can lead to weight gain.

With more serotonin in your body, your “appetite control center” can receive strong signals indicating that enough food has been consumed. This can “switch off” food cravings and create a feeling of fullness. This can result in fewer calories during the day without severe hunger and cravings … leading to potential faster weight loss.

Who is this formula for?

This potent formula works for everybody, whether you're 30 or 90 years old…

No matter your current condition, or if you have struggled with weight issues for a month or 20 years. SeroLean works without the harmful side effects found in medications or invasive bariatric surgery, is non-invasive, and takes less than a minute per day to use it.

Will this formula work for me?


This formula is the most incredible and effective natural supplement that the world has ever seen. Every one of its ingredients has major beneficial effects. And when combined together, you have one of the most powerful tools for the end of weight gain.

So far, thousands of people have successfully used SeroLean to lose 40 pounds, 80 pounds, and in some extreme cases, even 200 pounds, and you can be the next success story.

How much SeroLean do I need to take?

It's simple:

Just take two capsules in the morning, for at least 30 days. My medical recommendation for all my 24,000 patients, was to take it for at least 3 months.

All our research and customer reviews have shown that the longer you take SeroLean, the more durable health benefits and weight loss you will experience.

So it makes sense to keep taking this potent blend day after day… Month after month…

And this is exactly why I recommend getting at least three kits of SeroLean at a time, and six kits if you want to be completely safe.

Then take it for at least 90 days. This way, you can be sure you've taken all the right steps towards a new life.

Does this product include a guarantee?

Yes. SeroLean comes with a 60-day no questions asked money-back guarantee.

But, remember, it may take up to two months to see the full, amazing results. That's no time at all when you're talking about getting the body you’ve always dreamed of, and getting your health back.

But if that refund request comes in, you'll be getting your money back so fast… And you’ll also get to keep the Free bonuses.

Is it safe to buy on this website?

Yes, we take security very seriously.

Right after you hit the Buy Now button, you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page that looks like this.

That's exactly why both this website and your order are protected with a 256-bit SSL certificate that’s also used by all major banks.

We use a third-party credit card processor that meets the strictest international standards for data security to manage our credit card payments, so no one ever has access to your credit card information.

We do NOT keep your credit card number on file. We understand that you trust us with your financial safety when purchasing from us online.

We have done everything that is currently possible to ensure that your information is safe from the beginning to the end, and we thank you for your confidence in us.

So don’t wait any longer. Click the shiny Buy Now button below, and regain your body and your health starting today!

Scientific References:

Link between serotonin, weight loss and positive health changes
‘Fat epidemic’ after Covid
Studies and clinical trials regarding brain chemicals/switches and obesity/weight loss
Weight Loss Industry And Obesity statistics,million%20children%2C%20according%20to%20WHO.
How serotonin influences your mood and control over food
Sapienza University studies
Neurochemicals and how neurons talk to each other,dendrite%20(often%20a%20spine).
Role and importance of serotonin,mania%20and%20other%20health%20conditions.
The Griffonia Simplicifolia Plant Studies and Benefits,loss%2C%20headaches%2C%20and%20insomnia.

5-HTP Benefits, studies and clinical Trial
Stinging Nettle Leaf benefits
Vitamin B6,stress%2C%20anxiety%2C%20and%20fear.
Valerian Root Extract's%20medical%20usage%20dates,menopause%2C%20depression%2C%20and%20headaches.
Saffron Extract,positive%20effects%20while%20combating%20depression.
White Kidney Bean Extract
Green Tea Extract

ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.

Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of SeroLean products and related products are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Amy, Lisa, and Mike are pen names.

While we stand by the efficacy of our weight loss supplement if, individual results may vary. The testimonials provided on this website are from real customers who have experienced positive results. However, the average weight loss is 2-3 pounds a week, and it is important to note that maintaining weight loss requires regular exercise and a sensible diet. Additionally, some individuals featured in our testimonials were medically supervised program, which may have contributed to their weight loss success. We are committed to providing our customers with safe and effective weight loss solutions. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For Product Support, please contact the vendor HERE or call us at +1-877-276-9717

For Order Support, please contact ClickBank HERE.

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in contacting us. Please fill in the form below and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible!


Secret 20% Off Coupon!

LIMITED TIME OFFER: Get SeroLean's most popular package for 20% off now and save $30 off today's price:  $147 $117


🔥 Exclusive Deal Alert! 🔥

Thinking about the 1-month option? We have an unbeatable deal for you...

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Save a Whopping $196 (67%) PLUS 4 Bonuses & FREE Shipping
